
Cardiology refers to the medical diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the heart. As per a research by American College of Cardiology, cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for 31% of all deaths on a global level. However, the good news is that the death rates from CVD diseases are declining due to the growing awareness of prevention, the advanced care, Heart monitoring technologies and the lifestyle modifications. Countries like India, Mexico, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Korea and Turkey are famous for well-equipped cardiovascular surgeries with high-quality care, huge specialized heart hospitals and world famous CVD surgeons and doctors. India has been increasingly welcoming medical tourists in a safer travel environment to offer the following different treatments:

  • Heart Transplant
  • Heart Valve Surgery
  • Pace Maker Implantation(PPI)
  • Non-Invasive Cardiology and Diagnostic
  • Angiography
  • Balloon Angioplasty
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
  • Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Cardiology Robotic Surgery

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